The ultimate moving truck loading guide
Packing a moving truck is an art form, best explained in this book
From ‘Tiers without Tears’ by John Watts & Steve McPherson – The tier most commonly built is the 18″ tier. It is often called the “standard tier” and once you have built a few of them they become extremely easy. A standard tier would be built with a dresser and a chest of drawers as a “base” (or a long dresser or a dishpack.) On top of this base row load a second row of 18″ pieces.
This row may consist of more base pieces (chests of drawers, etc.), but ideally these should be lighter than the first row. If the second row of base has legs, remove the legs and place them in the right hand corner of the top drawer. If the legs will not come off easily, place a folded piece of burlap or a stout piece of cardboard beneath them. A “pad board” can also be used here.